
May 5, 2024


Using the box below you can subscribe to my e-mail list. Once subscribed you will receive a copy of every article or movie review I write. Many of these reviews will be unique to the JamesBowman.net website.

I am glad to be able to provide this service, and you may certainly subscribe without sending me a single penny. However, if you would like to help with the upkeep of this website—and to provide me with an incentive to keep reviewing new movies—you may contribute by clicking on one of the buttons below, which provide simple, secure systems for sending money over the net. The amount is up to you, but here’s a suggestion. Every time a review prevents you from wasting your money on a lousy movie that the “buzz” machine has cried up, send me half the saving to ensure that this service is long available.

If you have any suggestions for further emendations, please let me know.

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eResources ©2000-2024 James Bowman